Are you energized by spending time with other people? Do you warm up quickly when meeting someone new? Are you often the person making sure others are included? If you answered yes to these questions, you may be innately wired to be an extrovert. That idea might not be news to you, but is it on your resume?
Often, we think about being an extrovert as being a people person - and it might come really naturally to you to develop relationships. But how often do we talk about this skill on our resumes? Customer service is one of the top soft skills that employers want to see on your resume right now[1], and your extroverted innate traits could be your foot in the proverbial door. Maybe you’ve thought about your extroversion as helpful in the interview, but not about the step before that. Here are a few ways that you could highlight your Innate trait of extroversion in your resume.
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3 ways to talk about your skills
Social - Do you find yourself wanting to bounce ideas off of your coworkers? Do you feel like your best work is done in team environments? Collaboration is a critical skill in today’s job market[2], and should definitely be included on your resume. Your Innate talent to connect with others can make the team relationships of a socially-oriented work environment thrive.
Outgoing - Do you naturally notice when someone needs to be included? Do you often find yourself starting conversations with others? Are you the friend that always makes more room at the table for a new friend to join? This skill could benefit your work as well: customer service is at its best when it is proactively creating connections with clients. Don’t be afraid to highlight your skills at connecting with others on your resume.
Energetic - Do you light up any room? Are others drawn to your enthusiasm? Do you find it easy to win others over to your ideas? If you answered yes without even hesitating, you might want to consider how you market the energy that you bring to a team and to a workplace. Employers are always looking for people who will encourage and inspire their coworkers and clients. Make sure that your resume reflects the brightness that your Innate talent brings to any situation.
Ready to see how your extroversion shows up? Take Innate’s Resume Quiz to learn more about how to market your Innate traits and top-5 strengths on your resume!
[1] https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/13/in-demand-soft-skills-to-put-in-your-resume.html