Start the Personality Quiz!
Take this free 2-minute test based on the "Big 5" personality factors. This quiz is used by college guidance counselors to help students select a major that matches their personality.
Animators are the Happiest People on Earth!
Scared of getting stuck in a boring old job? You might fit in with us! If you’re looking for a career that’s meaningful and lets your creative juices flow, think about becoming an animator. It’s a job that appreciates your skills and gives you the freedom to express yourself. Every day is exciting and full of new adventures. And hey, the paycheck is pretty nice too! Check out some of the awesome jobs landed by Animation Mentor alumni to see what it’s like to do what you love.
“Doing what I love everyday is the most rewarding thing I can think of. That includes animating, drawing, and creating fun and enjoyable entertainment.”

No college degree required. Start earning fast!
If you enjoy making art and are ready to learn new computer skills and work hard, you can soon be creating 3D character animation like what you see on the big screen. All you need is an outstanding demo reel to showcase your animating skills, and you can develop those skills and create your demo reel at Animation Mentor. Animation Mentor’s training program consists of six courses that will teach you the animation fundamentals along with everything you need to know to make great 3D animation. With these shots you can create a rockstar demo reel to show studios. Your demo reel is like a portfolio that shows studios what you can do. Many of our graduates now work in big name studios around the world.