HELPING PEOPLE is what we do.
HELPING HUMANITY is why we do it.
Helped over 1,000,000 people answer some of life’s biggest questions.
Innate helps people understand who they truly are and how they are innately hard wired. With this understanding, Innate’s quizzes and assessments can help individuals with practical decisions around career selection, working remote, college and major selection, relationships, and a multitude of soft-skill applications.

Our team has over 70 years of experience developing, administering and interpreting the results of assessments, researching and profiling hundreds of careers, and evaluating tens of thousands of individuals. Our development team has expertise in industrial and organizational psychology, psychometrics, and career profiling and counseling.

Since 1995, Innate’s assessment has been administered to millions of individuals in the corporate marketplace. The foundation of this assessment is built on the most widely accepted personality theory in the scientific community – the Five Factor Model of Personality. Using state-of-the-art psychometric techniques, Innate continues to enhance this assessment as it evolves for use in additional settings and with diverse populations.

Career Profiling
The Innate Match platform leverages this research experience to develop profiles specific to career and job functions in today’s marketplace. Based on a person's assessment results (innate wiring), Innate can guide them towards careers where similarly wired workers are successful, engaged and fulfilled.
With over 1,000,000 workplace personality profiles in its database, Innate is trusted as a leading research sources within the career marketplace today. Utilizing the leading assessments with its 70 years of expertise in psychometric, our team expertise in designing and interpreting assessment data using progressive research methodology to give insight.
See more details on Innate's Research

We give away $1 out of every $3 made
We believe that everyone has a responsibility to take care of those who can't take care of themselves. Helping Humanity is at the core of Innate's mission and we focus our 'impact' on three funding categories: Environment (Global Warming); Children (foster care, education, heath); and the Marginalized (clean water, homeless, incarcerated).